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Serious Serious
Reported By: Burak Kiper
Reported On: 2/15/1999
For: Version 1.10 Build 1
# 298 Modifying Data in Delphi 4 Causing AV When Accessing Boolean Field Values

Please test the attached table. I changed its lang driver to Machine Ascii. Here is the problem: Open it with dbsys. It has 60 records. Just browse it by one by and you will get an AV at 54 or 55th records. But after opening just press goto last button on the navigator everything seems to be ok. and you can browse back normally. I try to repair the file but nothing changes. And I am afraid and I suspect that this error effects many things.
By the way, I formed this table from scratch. That is this happaned after I inserted those records.

Comments Comments
Problem was related to Delphi 4 putting 0xFFFF for a True WordBool value when every other version of Delphi puts 0x0001 for a True value. Have applied a workaround in the database engine to trap for this condition when saving the field data to the data file and to convert the value to a compatible value. This problem was seen in 1.10 but was originally only thought to be a problem with the indexes. If you have this problem you should restructure the data file and the values will be corrected in the data file.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 2/15/1999 in version 1.12 build 1