Reported By: Carl Mailloux Reported On: 6/25/1999 For: Version 1.15 Build 1
# 455Locate Not Working Correctly With Non-ASCII Language Driver and Compound Indexes Bug:
I have found a bug with locate on 2 fields. Note: The 2 fields are in an index. I have included a sample project.
To generate the bug, follow theses step:
1. Run Locate2FieldPrj.exe
2. Press 'Execute Locate' button (You will see my own message Record not found, maybe the record exist)
3. If you replace The value of edit 'Field TYPE' with '5' and you press
'Execute Locate' button, the record will be found and it's correct.
ResolutionFixed Problem on 6/26/1999 in version 1.16 build 1