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Serious Serious
Reported By: Janusz Cyran
Reported On: 10/24/1999
For: Version 1.18 Build 1
# 487 RestructureIndexDefs Carrying Previous Index Settings From One RestructureIndexDef to Another

The problem is with secondary index. I create the table with secondary index and then I want to restructure it to have Polish indexing order. After restructuring the secondary index is unique, although before it was not. When I break the program after CreateTable and see the index in the DBSys.exe it is not unique, but after the restructure it is. The problem arose when I switched from 1.16 trial to 1.17 full version.

  RestructureTable(1045, 0, 1, 0, False, '', 'My Table', 512, True);

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 10/25/1999 in version 1.19 build 1