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Serious Serious
Reported By: Alex Vasitch
Reported On: 6/15/2000
For: Version 2.01 Build 1
# 546 Date and Number Parsing for Filters on Tables with Machine ASCII Language Driver Incorrect

The parsing of dates and numbers in filters on tables with a Machine ASCII language driver was not working properly.

Comments Comments
The parsing of dates have changed for filters and SQL statements. Both will now use the currently installed Windows language driver as the default language driver for the parsing and interpretation of dates and numbers. Previously, SQL statements only accepted US date formats. In addition, the Machine ASCII language driver will now use the currently installed Windows language driver instead of using default US date and number formats. Please remember that you can force the use of a specific language driver in SQL statements via the LANGUAGE/SORT keywords.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 6/20/2000 in version 2.02 build 1