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Serious Serious
Reported By: Deborah Miller
Reported On: 4/23/2001
For: Version 2.08 Build 1
# 769 Using CopyOnAppend with a DBMemo Control Causes the Memo Field to Not Be Copied to the New Record

I have an edit screen and when the user presses a "Dup" button I do this:

taSeries.Copyonappend := True;
taSeries.Copyonappend := False;

It fills in all the edit fields including the memo, correctly, with data from the record I was on at the time of the button press. But when the new record is posted (by clicking on the post button in the navigator or by moving to another record) all fields are saved except the memo field. It is lost. There is no error generated and the program continues as if nothing had happened.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 5/1/2001 in version 2.09 build 1