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Reported By: Amos Ong
Reported On: 8/8/2001
For: Version 2.11 Build 1
# 898 SQL SELECT Statement with Join and SELECT * as Column List Causes Error

When I use the following statement an error #10753 occurs. If I replace the * and use 'invid' or anything else in its place it is ok.

select * from Inv a1 left outer join inv2 a2 on a1.InvID=a2.InvID

Comments Comments and Workarounds
Problem was caused by a Remarks field in both tables, but one being defined as a string and the other a memo (BLOB). DBISAM wasn't properly handling locating the source table for the same-named fields.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 8/10/2001 in version 2.12 build 1