Reported By: Micro Wang Reported On: 3/30/2002 For: Version 3.08 Build 1
# 1081Using Parameter Values on Right Side of SQL UPDATE Value Assignment Causes Type Mismatch I've got one BCD field. When I run the following SQL I get 'DBISAM Engine Error# 11949 SQL Error: Type mismatch between Column 'Quantity' and Constant '?' in update values'.
Here is the SQL:
SET [Quantity]=[Quantity]+:Value
WHERE [ItemCode]:=PartNo
In the unit I wrote:
ParamByName('Value').AsCurrency:=Value; (Value is Currency type)
CommentsProblem was caused by engine not allowing for unknown types (parameters, which are only known at execution time) in certain expressions during the preparation of the query.
ResolutionFixed Problem on 4/4/2002 in version 3.09 build 1