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Serious Serious
Reported By: Paul Stockton
Reported On: 2/27/2002
For: Version 3.07 Build 1
# 1083 Deleting a Record that is Edited Currently by Same Table Component on a Remote Server Causes Problem

I am inserting a record into a DBISAM table. After I have posted the record I cannot then edit this record, I get a record locked by another user error, although no-one else is using it. I have used the RecordIsLocked on the after post event on my table and this confirms the record is being locked after I post it.

Comments Comments
Problem was caused by having an active edit on a record and (table State=dsEdit) and then trying to delete the same record using the same table component would cause the record lock to not be released properly, thus trying to edit the record again would cause a "record is locked" error. This only occurred with the remote server and not with local connections.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 4/10/2002 in version 3.09 build 1