Reported By: Geoff Harris Reported On: 4/11/2002 For: Version 3.08 Build 1
# 1085Non-C/S Server Defaults to 100 Max Connections When it Should Default to 5 I've installed 3.08 and admin tools on the one machine.
I boot up the server.
I boot up the admin tool
I login using admin and DBAdmin
I go to the second tab
I press the edit button
I change timeout to 3000, etc.
I press save
Max # of users has now dropped from 100 to 5.
And there's nothing I can do to change it. I have to delete the configuration file and thus reset all the values on the second tab.
Comments and WorkaroundsProblem was partly due to developer using wrong version, but problem was then further confused by this bug.
ResolutionFixed Problem on 4/12/2002 in version 3.09 build 1