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Serious Serious
Reported By: Michael Eubanks
Reported On: 5/1/2002
For: Version 3.10 Build 1
# 1125 Using Quoted Column Names in LEFT OUTER JOIN Conditions Causes Type Mismatch Error

This problem looks simular to the one found in 3.08 where braces had to be used to signify field names when using aggregate functions.

This SQL command does not work:

SELECT "Date Opened", "ICardTellerID", "Status","Cash
"Terminal","Employee", "Last_Name", "Drawer Number" FROM 
File" left outer join "Employee" on "Employee" = 
"Employee Number"
Where Status <> 0 Order By "Last_Name"

Error message:
DBISAM Engine Error # 11949 SQL error - Type mismatch between column
'Employee Number' and constant 'Employee' WHERE or JOIN clause.

This SQL does work:

SELECT "Date Opened", "ICardTellerID", "Status","Cash
"Terminal","Employee", "Last_Name", "Drawer Number" FROM 
File" left outer join "Employee" on [Employee] = [Employee 
Where Status <> 0 Order By "Last_Name"

Comments Comments and Workarounds
The workaround is as indicated in the example above.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 5/4/2002 in version 3.11 build 1