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Serious Serious
Reported By: Larry Lynn
Reported On: 7/2/2002
For: Version 3.10 Build 1
# 1149 TEXTSEARCH SQL and Filter Function Not Working Properly with Asterisks for Wildcards in Words

I'm experimenting with Textsearch as a filter. Using as an example The Weston Democratic Club, I have found that the following get a hit:

Filter := 'TEXTSEARCH("democratic weston" IN OrganizationName)';
Filter := 'TEXTSEARCH("democrat*" IN OrganizationName)';
Filter := 'TEXTSEARCH("weston democrat*" IN OrganizationName)';

But this doesn't:

Filter := 'TEXTSEARCH("democrat* weston" IN OrganizationName)';

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 7/6/2002 in version 3.11 build 1