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Serious Serious
Reported By: Lindsay Mathieson
Reported On: 11/30/2003
For: Version 3.27 Build 1
# 1726 Cannot Mix 3.26 Clients with 3.27 Database Servers Without Causing Database Server Crash

C/S Mode (TCP/IP) When using components OR dbsys:

3.26 client editing or appending blob/memo data to a table on a 3.27 server - both client and server crash.

3.27 Client editing or appending blob/memo data to a table on a 3.26 server - no crash, but data is garbaged and hugely inflated. A 500K blob typically inflates to 20/50 MB

Both these problems happen 100% of the time.

Comments Comments and Workarounds
The problem was with a change in the BLOB flushing due to a fix in 3.27. Please see incident #1451 for more information.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 12/16/2003 in version 3.28 build 1