Reported By: Olaf Kraschinski Reported On: 9/23/2004 For: Version 4.10 Build 1
# 1848Database Server Dead Sessions Not Being Cleaned Up and Scheduled Events Not Firing Under Linux After Timeout Session automatic disconnected. This is correct. But dead session will not be cleared. I think, the Timerthread will not do be fire on Timerevents. Event "DeadSessionTimerTimer" wiill not be called (Debug-Braekpoint)
I have Kylix 3.0 on Suse-Linux 9.0.
Timeout=90 Sec
DeadSession Interval=60 Sec
DeadSession Expires 60 Sec
CommentsThe sem_timedwait calls were not working properly, so the POSIX semaphore usage had to be converted to using the pthread condition variable calls instead.
ResolutionFixed Problem on 9/27/2004 in version 4.11 build 1