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Serious Serious
Reported By: Terry Swiers
Reported On: 11/3/2004
For: Version 4.14 Build 1
# 1896 Nested INNER JOINs in LEFT OUTER JOINs Can Cause Incorrect Results If First Row Produces NULL

If I run the following queries on the attached data, the first one doesn't return all values from the invitem.stockcode field like I would expect. If I change the query to include the code.stockcode field, it does return the value.

While this query just shows something odd, this might be a bigger problem if I were using the query to delete or update the tables.

/*non-working sql*/
SELECT ar.TransDate, ar.TransType, ar.TransNum, invitem.stockcode
FROM ar ar
     LEFT OUTER JOIN invoice ON ar.Transnum = invoice.Number
     JOIN invitem ON invoice.Number = invitem.Number
     JOIN code ON invitem.StockCode = code.StockCode
WHERE ( ar.TransDate >= '2004-10-04' ) and (ar.transtype = 1)

/*working sql - changed last retrieved field to code.stockcode*/
SELECT ar.TransDate, ar.TransType, ar.TransNum, code.stockcode
FROM ar ar
     LEFT OUTER JOIN invoice ON ar.Transnum = invoice.Number
     JOIN invitem ON invoice.Number = invitem.Number
     JOIN code ON invitem.StockCode = code.StockCode
WHERE ( ar.TransDate >= '2004-10-04' ) and (ar.transtype = 1)

If I change the first line of the query to:

  SELECT ar.TransDate, ar.TransType, ar.TransNum, invitem.stockcode,

You can see where the values of invitem.stockcode and
code.stockcode are not all the same even though they
should be given that there is an inner join between the
two tables on that one field.

Comments Comments and Workarounds
The actual problem is with the joins - the fact that the first LOJ generates a NULL condition that is further used with the second INNER join causes a problem with DBISAM that prevents it from properly processing the third INNER join. The workaround is to two-stage the joins using two queries in a script. You'll have to have the first query do the LOJ and then the second query take the first result and then do the two INNER joins.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 11/5/2004 in version 4.15 build 1