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Minor Minor
Reported By: Terry Swiers
Reported On: 5/17/2005
For: Version 4.20 Build 3
# 2058 What's This Help Displays in Full Help Window for Utilities Compiled in Delphi 6 or 7

When you recompile the SrvAdmin application with Delphi 6 or 7 for a Win32 application, it changes the way that the application handles the help request. The way that it is defined in the current source works great for Delphi 5 and earlier, but with D6 or 7 it displays a full help window along with the popup.

If you care, you might want to change the right click help call for Windows applications compiled with D6 or D7 to use the following direct call to the Windows API.

WinHelp(Handle, PChar(Application.CurrentHelpFile), HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP,

This will allow the popup to be displayed correctly without having the full help window displayed as well.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 6/2/2005 in version 4.21 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
DBISAM Additional Software and Utilities
