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Minor Minor
Reported By: Rony Gellaerts
Reported On: 6/7/2005
For: Version 4.21 Build 2
# 2072 Total Connected Sessions Being Reported Improperly in Database Server After Removing Session

I think there is a issue with the 'Total connected sessions' counter in srvadmin.

1) Normal login and working. 'Total connected sessions' is 1

2) After some time of inactivity, the session goes to 'Disconnected' status and the 'Total connected sessions' decreases with
1. 'Total connected sessions' is 0 --> Normal behavior.

3) When I now select the session and push the 'Remove' button, the session is gone BUT the 'Total connected sessions' is now -1.

Comments Comments
The problem was specifically related to removing sessions that were already disconnected. Removing a connected session would not exhibit this problem.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 6/7/2005 in version 4.21 build 3

Products Affected Products Affected
DBISAM Additional Software and Utilities
DBISAM ODBC Client-Server
DBISAM ODBC Client-Server with Source
DBISAM ODBC Standard with Source
DBISAM VCL Client-Server
DBISAM VCL Client-Server with Source
DBISAM VCL Standard with Source
