Reported By: Elias Zurschmiede Reported On: 10/27/2009 For: Version 4.29 Build 2
# 3158Using BLOB Type for Result of Custom Functions Corrupts Function Result Have found and fixed a bug in file dbisamtb.pas in function TDBISAMEngine.CustomFunctionCallback if ResultDataType is TYPE_BLOB. In this case, the original code adds one custom byte to the end of the blob data. This behavior corrupts any blob data stored by a custom function.
ResolutionFixed Problem on 11/2/2010 in version 4.29 build 3
Products AffectedDBISAM VCL Client-Server DBISAM VCL Client-Server with Source DBISAM VCL Standard DBISAM VCL Standard with Source DBISAM VCL Trial