Reported By: John Stevens Reported On: 3/2/2010 For: Version 4.29 Build 2
# 3166CASTing a DECIMAL Value to a String in SQL Causes Decimal Digits to be Dropped The issue I have, relates to the query below. The issue is, if the money value ends in a 0, the zero is dropped (10.80 becomes 10.8). What I am trying to do is put the money value in a string with some other text, thus the cast.
select cast(money value as varchar(20)) from some table
ResolutionFixed Problem on 3/3/2010 in version 4.29 build 3
Products AffectedDBISAM Additional Software and Utilities DBISAM ODBC Client-Server DBISAM ODBC Client-Server with Source DBISAM ODBC Standard DBISAM ODBC Standard with Source DBISAM ODBC Trial DBISAM VCL Client-Server DBISAM VCL Client-Server with Source DBISAM VCL Standard DBISAM VCL Standard with Source DBISAM VCL Trial