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Serious Serious
Reported By: Darren Zemanek
Reported On: 4/2/2021
For: Version 4.49 Build 4
# 4827 64-bit ODBC Driver Causes AV in FireDAC ODBC Data Access Layer

I just started trying FireDAC with the DBISAM odbc driver (4.49 b4) and am having issues with 64 bit compiles, but not 32 bit.

1. Table1 has primary index that is compound and includes a timestamp field.
Both a FDQuery and FDTable get A/V when opening table.

2. Table1 has primary index that is not compound and only includes a timestamp field.
Both FDQuery and FDTable open fine.

3. Table1 has a non primary index that contains a timestamp field.
FDQuery opens fine, FDTable gets A/V.

I tried this in Berlin and Sydney getting an A/V in each.

The access violations:

Primary Key: (FireDac.phys)
       oPKFieldsView := oConnMeta.GetTablePrimaryKeyFields(GetCatalogName,
         GetSchemaName, sTabName, '');

Secondary Key: (FireDAC.comp.client)
       oVInds := oConnMeta.GetTableIndexes(CatalogName, SchemaName, TableName, '');

Comments Comments
The problem was with how the DBISAM ODBC Driver was binding the length indicator for 64-bit usage. It was using a SizeOf(Integer) call instead of a proper SizeOf(SQLLEN) call, resulting in invalid length indicators being exposed in the client data access layer and access violations.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 4/22/2021 in version 4.49 build 5

Products Affected Products Affected
DBISAM ODBC Client-Server
DBISAM ODBC Client-Server with Source
DBISAM ODBC Standard with Source
