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Minor Minor
Reported By: Peter Thorne
Reported On: 12/4/2007
For: Version 1.06 Build 1
# 2494 Reverse-Engineering Generating Incorrect CREATE INDEX Code in ElevateDB Manager

Reverse engineering creates the following SQL chunk. Looks like the DESC and COLLATE are the wrong way round so when I execute in an SQL window I get:

ElevateDB Error #700 An error was found in the statement at line 2 and column 20 (Expected ) but instead found COLLATE)

CREATE INDEX "by_model_name" ON "Models"
("model_name" DESC COLLATE "ANSI")
DESCRIPTION 'Order by model name';

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 12/5/2007 in version 1.07 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB Additional Software and Utilities
