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Reported By: Rony Gellaerts
Reported On: 6/24/2011
For: Version 2.05 Build 9
# 3473 Creating a Copy of a Session in the ElevateDB Manager Can Cause an AV

I have an AV error in EDBManager. Try these steps:

1. Close all sessions
2. Select a session (not connected) and click on 'Create copy of session'. (Select a different folder location)
3. Open the session that you copied from and open the database.
4. Now important, put the focus on the just created session (but do not connect). See the Pic1.
5. Exit EDBManager, then you will get an AV error followed by an exception error. See Pic2.

When you do not put the focus on the just copied session, then you will get no error.

Comments Comments
Could not reproduce the AV, but there were two other issues that may have been causing this problem. First, the copied session was not placed in the correct creation order, and second, the created session used the existing internal session object, so that both the source session and the copied session were referring to the same session.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 6/25/2011 in version 2.05 build 10

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB Additional Software and Utilities
