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Serious Serious
Reported By: Walter Matte [Tactical Business Corporat
Reported On: 11/9/2013
For: Version 1.02 Build 2
# 3918 EncodeDate Function Not Initializing Time Portion of DateTime Value to 0

Date Manipulations

List Box Shows:

dt := EncodeDate(2000,1,3)

inttostr(integer(dt)) = 946944000000


946944000000 is UnixDateTime - JAN 4, 2000

We gain a day!!!!

  gbStartRefDate := EncodeDate(2000,1,3);   // Monday - Sunday

  listbox1.items.add(inttostr(integer(gbStartRefDate)) + ' ' +
                     inttostr(yearof(gbStartRefDate)) + ' ' +
                     inttostr(monthof(gbStartRefDate)) + ' ' +
                     inttostr(dayof(gbStartRefDate)) + ' Ref 2000-01-03');

Comments Comments
The time portion was being intialized to the current time instead of 0.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 11/11/2013 in version 1.03 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
