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Serious Serious
Reported By: Steve Gill
Reported On: 7/14/2015
For: Version 2.00 Build 2
# 4196 Line Separators Incorrectly Set to Only LF Instead of CRLF in List-Based Controls

I am having a problem with TButtonComboBox. If I add some items to the Items property, when I try to search for an item it doesn't work.

For example, if I add 3 items called 'One', 'Two', 'Three' and then try to find them, they are not found.

This doesn't work:

cmbTest.ItemIndex := cmbTest.Items.IndexOf('Two');

This doesn't either:

cmbTest.ItemIndex := cmbTest.Items.IndexOfValue('Two');

Nor this:

cmbTest.ItemIndex := cmbTest.Items.IndexOfName('Two', 0, True);

Or this:

cmbTest.ItemIndex := cmbTest.Items.IndexOfName('Two', 0, False);

Comments Comments
This bug affects any list controls (TListBox, TButtonComboBox, TEditComboBox) as well as the TMultiLineEdit control. This is a breaking fix.

All of these controls now properly use CRLF pairs as line separators.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 7/18/2015 in version 2.01 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
