Reported By: Michael Dreher Reported On: 11/24/2015 For: Version 2.03 Build 1
# 4320Constant Parameters Allowed to be Modified by the Compiler Assignment statements on const parameters are compiled and JS code is generated. Shouldn't the compiler prevent me doing this?
procedure test_function1(const i : integer; const f : double; const b : boolean; const dt : DateTime;
const c : Char; const s : string);
i := 1;
f := 1.1;
b := false;
dt := Now + 10;
c := 'Q';
s := 'modifying const string';
test_function1(-42, 3.14, true, Now, '@', 'hallo world');
// *.JS
function testform_test_function1(i, f, b, dt, c, s)
i = 1;
f = 1.1;
b = false;
dt = now() + 10;
c = "Q";
s = "modifying const string";
ResolutionFixed Problem on 11/24/2015 in version 2.04 build 1
Products AffectedElevate Web Builder Elevate Web Builder Trial