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Serious Serious
Reported By: Larry Lustig
Reported On: 2/9/1999
For: Version 1.10 Build 1
# 289 SQL SELECT Statement with WHERE Clause Comparing Boolean Field Returns Incorrect Records

In my project the query returns no records. In DBSYS, the same query returns two records (which is correct).


I got it. In the project I sent you, if you drop the index on PPD in hearings.dat, the queries work OK. Something about the index causes the query to fail in Delphi, but to succeed in DBSYS.

Comments Comments
Problem was with Delphi 4 treating a True WordBool value cast to a Word as High(Word) instead of 1. DBISAM now traps for this condition and treats the value as 1 instead.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 2/9/1999 in version 1.11 build 1