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Serious Serious
Reported By: Anthony Johnston
Reported On: 4/2/1999
For: Version 1.13 Build 1
# 397 Including the STDIO.H Header File in BCB Application Causes Error in Compilation

The components installed without errors however when I dropped one of your TDBISAMTable components onto one of my forms the include (#include "DBISAMTb.hpp") file was generated with a ".h" suffix - whcih was was easily corrected, howevere when I came to compile the unit I recieved the following errors:-

[C++Error] Dbindx.hpp(178): Declaration terminated incorrectly.
the source statement is:-
__property bool EOF = {read=FEOF, write=FEOF, nodefault};

[C++Error] DBIsam.hpp(286): Declaration terminated incorrectly.
the source statement is:-
__property bool EOF = {read=GetEOF, nodefault};

Comments Comments
Problem was caused by the internal DBISAM engine using the EOF and BOF identifiers that conflicted with the same identifiers in the STDIO.H include file. Many thanks goes out to Dennis Vogel for finding the solution to this bug.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 5/10/1999 in version 1.14 build 1