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Serious Serious
Reported By: Manuel Sebares Díaz
Reported On: 4/23/2001
For: Version 2.08 Build 1
# 751 Executing Consecutive Queries that Use Memo Fields in the WHERE Clause Causes Slowdown

Just opening and closing two queries in correlative order, with a SQL statement wih several LIKE operators, takes more time every time the sequence is executed.

In my application, the first time I open a query of 500 records it takes 2 seconds. Repeating the closing and opening operations, the same query takes UP TO 20 SECONDS to complete.

Comments Comments and Workarounds
We're not sure where the this problem resides yet, but it may have to do with the way expression tokens are handled internally in the expression engine.

Resolution Resolution
Scheduled for Future Release on in version 0.00 build 1