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Serious Serious
Reported By: Jose Eduardo Helminsky
Reported On: 6/7/2001
For: Version 2.10 Build 1
# 807 Using a NULL Value in SQL IF() Function Call Causes Error

The following SQL results in an error. The second result is OK but with 0 into the column when the first letter
in the field tip is not a letter "E". What I want is null value instead of the number 0.

1) select pro, if( substring(tip from 1 for 1)="E" then cast(qtd as 
else null) as "Entry"
from products   <----------- ERROR

2) select pro, if( substring(tip from 1 for 1)="E" then cast(qtd as 
else 0.0) as "Entry"
from products  <------------ NO ERROR

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 6/15/2001 in version 2.11 build 1