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Serious Serious
Reported By: Jose Eduardo Helminsky
Reported On: 7/30/2001
For: Version 2.10 Build 1
# 832 Un-Optimized SQL WHERE Clauses Containing the Target Table of an INNER JOIN are too Slow

I have the following SQL queries - query 1 and query 2. If I run query 1 the results appear in 130 sec but when I run query 2 the results appear in 0.89 sec. I have noticed that when I put the all the conditions inside the join the query runs faster than when I put it in where.

Query 1:
select code, b.number from table1
inner join table2 on (table1.code=table2.customer)
where table2.field1 = "X"

Query 2:
select code, b.number from table1
inner join table2 on (table1.code=table2.customer and table2.field1 = 

Resolution Resolution
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