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Serious Serious
Reported By: Adam Hair
Reported On: 7/9/2003
For: Version 3.24 Build 1
# 1388 Mixing Multiple Columns from Different Tables in Expressions in SQL WHERE Clause Causes Error

I'm getting this error message "Internal Table Filter Error 11949" when I run the following SQL.

select *
from apprenticecourse apc
inner join apprenticeevent  ape on
 (apc.code = ape.code)
 and (apc.item = ape.item)
inner join event  event on
 (ape.event = event.event)
 (event.durationtype = 'S')
 and (apc.CourseStartDate -  event.duration+event.priorbuffer >=
'2003-07-08' )
 and (apc.CourseStartDate - event.duration-event.postbuffer <= '2003-07-08')

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 7/12/2003 in version 3.25 build 1