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Reported By: Zlatko Ivankovic
Reported On: 9/26/2003
For: Version 3.26 Build 1
# 1453 Mixing Different Source Table Conditions in SQL SELECT WHERE Clause Causes Incorrect Results

Following script executes differently in dbsys 3.24 and dbsys 3.26. Results in 3.24 are correct and results in 3.26 are wrong.

drop table if exists memory work;
drop table if exists memory holidays;
drop table if exists memory result;
drop table if exists memory resultRowCount;
drop table if exists memory allResults;

create table memory work (
workID integer,
workDate date

create table memory holidays (
holidayID integer,
holidayDate date,

insert into memory work values (1, "2003-12-24");
insert into memory work values (2, "2003-12-25");
insert into memory work values (3, "2003-12-26");

insert into memory holidays values (1, "2003-12-25");

select workID
, workDate
, ifnull(holidays.holidayDate, false, true) as isHoliday
into memory result
from memory work
left outer join memory holidays on work.workDate = holidays.
where not ((holidays.holidayDate <> null) and (workID > 0));

select count(*) as rowCount
into memory resultRowCount
from memory result;

select 'Test 1' as testName
, 'not ((holidays.holidayDate <> null) and (workID > 0))' as 
, rowCount
, if(rowCount = 2, 'Result is OK', 
'WRONG; number of retrieved 
records should be 2 not ' + 
cast(rowCount as char(10)) ) as res
into memory allResults
from memory resultRowCOunt;

-- same as above without condition (workID > 0) which does nothing

drop table if exists memory result;
drop table if exists memory resultRowCount;

select workID
, workDate
, ifnull(holidays.holidayDate, false, true) as isHoliday
into memory result
from memory work
left outer join memory holidays on work.workDate = holidays.
where not ((holidays.holidayDate <> null) );

select count(*) as rowCount
into memory resultRowCount
from memory result;

insert into memory allResults
select 'Test 2' as testName
, 'not ((holidays.holidayDate <> null))' as whereExpession
, rowCount
, if(rowCount = 2, 'Result is OK', 
'WRONG; number of retrieved 
records should be 2 not ' + 
cast(rowCount as char(10)) ) as res
from memory resultRowCOunt ;

select * from memory allResults

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 10/4/2003 in version 3.27 build 1