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Serious Serious
Reported By: Ole Willy Tuv
Reported On: 2/6/2004
For: Version 3.27 Build 1
# 1725 Posting of Updates Using ADO Express and ODBC Driver Failing

It's been a while since I last used my DBISAM ODBC test program (ODBCDemo). When playing with it today, I noticed a problem with posting updates using ADO Express DBISAM ODBC V3.27 and V4.02. When posting an edited record, I'm getting the following error:

"Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read."

I'm pretty sure this stuffed worked in earlier versions of the ODBC driver.

Comments Comments
Problem was caused by a change in the handling of parameters to fix a VB6 problem (Incident #1413).

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 2/10/2004 in version 3.28 build 1