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Serious Serious
Reported By: Olaf Kraschinski
Reported On: 11/2/2004
For: Version 4.14 Build 1
# 1893 Files with Archive Attribute Not Set Being Reported as Non-Existent Under Windows

In function OSFileAttr (dbisamlb) must be check of return value >-1 not >0.

if (Windows.GetFileAttributes(@TempFileName) > 0) then // Failure
if (Windows.GetFileAttributes(@TempFileName) > -1) then // correct

If data saved on Samba-Server without Archive-Bit (under Linux Execute-Bit) is result under Windows XP from Windows.GetFileAttributes=0! Open has then Exception (Table not exists).

Windows-API-Doc to GetFileAttributes say, if result 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) then Error.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 11/4/2004 in version 4.15 build 1