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Serious Serious
Reported By: Ralf Bieber
Reported On: 1/2/2005
For: Version 4.15 Build 1
# 1933 Deleting a Text-Indexed Column Using ALTER TABLE Statement Can Cause Error

Deleting a column from table structure, if the field is in TEXT INDEX, doesn't work properly with ALTER TABLE. The error:

DBISAM Engine Error # 10023 Invalid field number 'XX' specified in the index 'SYS Text' for the Table



TEXT INDEX ("Artikelnummer","Name","Name1",

and run the SQL-Script:

ALTER TABLE Artikel TEXT INDEX (Artikelnummer, Name, Name1) 

In the *.IDX Table the TEXT INDEX field count is correct,
but the pointer of the removed fields are not deleted.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 1/2/2005 in version 4.16 build 1