Reported By: Chris Holland Reported On: 4/25/2012 For: Version 4.32 Build 1
# 355964-bit ODBC Driver Installation Points to 32-bit ODBC Driver I have just downloaded and installed the DBISAM ODBC driver Version 4.32 Build 1 and notice that the installation into the registry for the 64 bit version is incorrect, it points to the 32 bit driver.
I have changed the path to include the “64” in my registry (shown in image) but the default path was:
And should have been:
ResolutionFixed Problem on 4/25/2012 in version 4.33 build 1
Products AffectedDBISAM ODBC Client-Server DBISAM ODBC Client-Server with Source DBISAM ODBC Standard DBISAM ODBC Standard with Source DBISAM ODBC Trial