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Minor Minor
Reported By: Carlton Craighead
Reported On: 3/18/2008
For: Version 1.08 Build 1
# 2567 Assigning a Byte Array to a BLOB Column Using ElevateDB .NET Data Provider Causes Conversion Error

The following code results in the error:

ElevateDB Error #1011 An error occurred with the parameter Parameter2 (A conversion error occurred)

The 3 fields in this table are:

DatasetID, Integer identity
DatasetName, VarChar(40), nullable
ZipContent, BLOB, nullable

The server she is running is EDB 1.08 Unicode. I have confirmed that "data" is a 27K byte array of raw binary data.

string cmdString = "insert into zipped_datasets(DatasetID, DatasetName, ZipContent) values(1,:name,:content))";

byte[] data = ReadFile(zipFileName.Text.Trim());

EDBConnection connection = getConnection();


EDBCommand cmd = new EDBCommand(cmdString, connection);

cmd.Parameters["name"].Value = "Dataset";

cmd.Parameters["content"].Value = data;


Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 3/19/2008 in version 1.09 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB DAC Client-Server
ElevateDB DAC Client-Server with Source
ElevateDB DAC Standard
ElevateDB DAC Standard with Source
ElevateDB DAC Trial
