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Minor Minor
Reported By: Tiago Ameller
Reported On: 7/6/2009
For: Version 2.02 Build 14
# 3023 Clicking on Column Header of Indexed Column in EDB Manager Data View Does Nothing

If a compound index has descending fields, clicking on header does not work.

CREATE INDEX "ixNombreCliente" ON "maExpedi"
("NombreCliente" COLLATE "ESP_CI_AI" ASC,"Ano" DESC,"Codigo" DESC)

Comments Comments
To reproduce the problem, the index must have an ascending first column with one or more descending columns after the first ascending column.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 7/7/2009 in version 2.02 build 15

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB Additional Software and Utilities
