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Serious Serious
Reported By: Steven Jackson
Reported On: 6/12/2013
For: Version 2.12 Build 2
# 3834 Issue querying Configuration ServerSessions

We are having some problems querying Configuration.ServerSessions but only when we do it from inside a server proc. We set up a session and query in the same way as when we query it from an external tool (our administration tool, EDB Manager, etc) but get different results.

Everything seems to be fine in the result set except that the User column is always blank and if we add a where clause to the query that uses the user column we never get any results.

Comments Comments
The issue was with how the ServerSessions table was being populated in the ElevateDB Server.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 6/14/2013 in version 2.13 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB Additional Software and Utilities
ElevateDB DAC Client-Server
ElevateDB DAC Client-Server with Source
ElevateDB DAC Standard
ElevateDB DAC Standard with Source
ElevateDB DAC Trial
ElevateDB LCL Standard with Source
ElevateDB PHP Standard
ElevateDB PHP Standard with Source
ElevateDB PHP Trial
ElevateDB VCL Client-Server
ElevateDB VCL Client-Server with Source
ElevateDB VCL Standard
ElevateDB VCL Standard with Source
ElevateDB VCL Trial
