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Reported By: Mark Culos [Blackberry Civil Works]
Reported On: 11/23/2014
For: Version 2.18 Build 1
# 4119 Reverse Engineering an Upgrade Script Can Include Invalid ALTER Statements

When reverse engineering an upgrade, there are often erroneous entries created in the script. The entries do not create problems if the script is executed as generated, but they do complicate the task of looking for differences between databases. I cannot see the difference between SQL in the alter statements and the existing structures.

Comments Comments
There was a small bug in the way that compile-able expressions were compared (procedures, functions, computed columns, etc.). They were compared in a compiled form, and that could cause expressions to show up as "altered" in the reverse-engineering because one of the referenced objects had changed. For example, if you changed the length of a column, then that would cause any triggers that directly referenced that column to be considered altered.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 12/1/2014 in version 2.18 build 2

Products Affected Products Affected
ElevateDB Additional Software and Utilities
