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Serious Serious
Reported By: Matthew Jones
Reported On: 10/26/2017
For: Version 2.06 Build 9
# 4589 Clicking on an Item with an Attached Sub-Menu in a Menu Does Nothing

Create a new visual project, add a menu bar, add 4 items. Add a menu, add items. Add a second menu, add items.
Now, set the sub-menu of one of the bar items to be menu1. Make the sub-menu of one of the menu1 items menu2. Run.

You have a menu bar, and you can click on the one with the drop down and it appears. The item with the additional sub-menu has a nice > symbol. Click on it to show the submenu and it will just disappear instead of showing the menu.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 10/26/2017 in version 2.06 build 10

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
