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Reported By: Robert Gesswein
Reported On: 3/29/2021
For: Version 3.00 Build 1
# 4807 Cancelling a Row Insert in a Bound Grid Does Not Work Properly

Bound TGrid with inserted blank row can generate application exception.

A page with a TGrid that contains one row. Default settings.
Page connected appropriately to a TDataSet.
There is one row in the grid.
-- Press insert key to add a blank row above the existing row.
-- (Selected cell is now on a cell in the blank row.)
-- Click off the new blank row and on the populated row below.
-- (First click does nothing)
-- Again, click off the new blank row and on the populated row below.
-- Get an Application Error dialog with message "Row index 1 out of bounds"
-- Populated row disappears with no way to make it display again w/o exiting page.

If this behavior is performed with more than one row, clicking on any other row restores the missing row. The error message is still generated.

Comments Comments
The issue was an inadvertent change to the TDataSet.Cancel method that was resulting in the grid rows not being updated properly (RowChanged method call instead of RowsChanged method call).

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 4/2/2021 in version 3.01 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
