Icon TEWBBlobStream

Unit: ewbdataset

Inherits From TStream

Use the TEWBBlobStream object to access or modify the contents of a BLOB or CLOB column in a dataset using a stream interface. A BLOB column is represented by the TBlobField object, and a CLOB column is represented by a TMemoField object. TBlobField and TMemoField objects use streams to implement many of their data access properties and methods via the standard CreateBlobStream method that is implemented by the Elevate Web Builder TEWBDataSet component.

To use a TEWBBlobStream object, create an instance of TEWBBlobStream class, use the methods of the TEWBBlobStream object to read or write the data, and then free the object. Do not use the same instance of a TEWBBlobStream object to access data from more than one row. Instead, create a new TEWBBlobStream object every time you need to read or write to a BLOB or CLOB column for a row.

Information For proper results when updating a BLOB or CLOB column using a TEWBBlobStream object, you must create the TEWBBlobStream object after calling the Append/Insert or Edit method for the dataset containing the BLOB or CLOB column. Also, you must free the TEWBBlobStream object before calling the Post method to post the changes to the dataset. Finally, be sure to use the proper open mode when creating a TEWBBlobStream object for updating (either bmReadWrite or bmWrite).
