Icon Insert Method

HIDESBASE void __fastcall Insert(int InsertPos, const AnsiString
      Name, Db::TFieldType DataType, int Size = 0x0, bool Required =
      false, const AnsiString DefaultValue = "", const AnsiString
      MinValue = "", const AnsiString MaxValue = "", const AnsiString
      Description = "", TFieldCharCase CharCase =
      (TFieldCharCase)(0x0), Byte Compression = (Byte)(0x0))

HIDESBASE void __fastcall Insert(int InsertPos, int FieldNo,
      const AnsiString Name, Db::TFieldType DataType, int Size = 0x0,
      bool Required = false, const AnsiString DefaultValue = "", const
      AnsiString MinValue = "", const AnsiString MaxValue = "", const
      AnsiString Description = "", TFieldCharCase CharCase =
      (TFieldCharCase)(0x0), Byte Compression = (Byte)(0x0))


Call the Insert method to insert a new field definition object at a specific position in the list of field definitions for the table. The InsertPos parameter is an integer identifying the field definition's position in the list of field definitions, in the range of 0 to the value of the Count property minus 1. Please see the TDBISAMFieldDef object for more information on each parameter to this method.