Icon CreateTable Method

procedure CreateTable(NewLocaleID: Integer=0;
      NewUserMajorVersion: Word=1; NewUserMinorVersion: Word=0;
      NewEncrypted: Boolean=False; const NewPassword: String=''; const
      NewDescription: String=''; NewIndexPageSize:
      Integer=DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; NewBlobBlockSize:
      Integer=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; NewLastAutoIncValue: Integer=-1;
      const NewTextIndexFields: String=''; NewTextIndexStopWords:
      TStrings=nil; const NewTextIndexSpaceChars: String=''; const
      NewTextIndexIncludeChars: String='')


Call the CreateTable method to create a table using the field definitions and index definitions specified in the FieldDefs and IndexDefs properties, respectively. CreateTable will not overwrite an existing table and will instead raise an exception if it encounters an existing table with the same name. To avoid this error, check the Exists property before calling the CreateTable method.

The NewLocaleID parameter specifies the new locale ID for the table. If this parameter is 0, then the table will use the default locale of "ANSI Standard".

The NewUserMajorVersion and NewUserMinorVersion parameters specify the new user-defined major and minor version numbers for the table.

The NewEncrypted parameter specifies whether the table should be encrypted, and the NewPassword parameter specifies the specifies the password for the encryption.

The NewDescription parameter specifies the new description for the table.

The NewIndexPageSize and NewBlobBlockSize parameters specify the index page size and BLOB block size for the table, respectively. Please see Appendix C - System Capacities for more information on the proper values for these parameters.

The NewLastAutoIncValue parameter specifies the new last autoinc value for the table.

The NewTextIndexFields is a list of field names that should be included in the full text index for the table. These field names should be separated by semicolons and should only be the names of string or memo fields. Leaving this parameter blank will remove any entries in the full text index. There is no explicit limit to the number of string or memo fields that can be text indexed.

The NewTextIndexStopWords parameter specifies a list of stop words to be used for the full text index. Stop words are words that will be removed from the index due to the fact that they are too common, such as is the case with the word "the". This parameter is a TStrings object, and if you leave this parameter nil DBISAM will use the default stop words list for the full text index.

The NewTextIndexSpaceChars parameter specifies a set of characters to be used as word separators for the full text index. Space characters are used to determine how words are separated from one another for the purposes of indexing the words in the full text index. This parameter is a string, and if you leave this parameter blank DBISAM will use the default space characters above for the full text index.

The NewTextIndexIncludeChars parameter specifies a set of characters to be used as valid characters in a word for the full text index. Include characters are used to determine how words are formed by specifying which characters are included in the word and which are ignored. This parameter is a string, and if you leave this parameter blank DBISAM will use the default include characters above for the full text index.

Information You can retrieve the default full text indexing parameters using the TDBISAMEngine GetDefaultTextIndexParams method. Please see the Full Text Indexing topic for more information.