Icon Import Method

procedure Import(const ImportFile: String; const StoreName:
      String; const ColumnsToImport: TEDBStringsArray=nil; Format:
      TEDBFileFormat=ffDelimited; Encoding: TEDBFileEncoding=feAuto;
      DelimiterChar: Char=SEPARATOR; QuoteChar: Char=DOUBLE_QUOTE;
      const DateFormatStr: String=ANSI_DATE_FORMAT; const
      TimeFormatStr: String=ANSI_TIME_FORMAT; const AMStr:
      String=ANSI_12HOUR_AM; const PMStr: String=ANSI_12HOUR_PM;
      DecimalChar: Char=ANSI_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR; const TrueStr:
      String=ANSI_TRUE; const FalseStr: String=ANSI_FALSE; UseHeaders:
      Boolean=False; MaxRows: Integer=-1)

Use this method to import rows into a dataset from a delimited or XML file.

Information This method is defined as a way to provide for the importing of result sets, and is simply a method version of the SQL IMPORT TABLE statement in ElevateDB. Please consult the ElevateDB SQL Manual for more information on the various import options available in the IMPORT TABLE statement.