Icon BufferedFileIOSettings Property

__property Classes::TStrings* BufferedFileIOSettings


Specifies the buffered file I/O settings for various file specifications. Each setting is specified on a separate line of the string list and is a comma-delimited list of values that make up the buffer settings.

File SpecificationThe file specification is a file name mask and can contain wildcards (*). The file specification mask can include paths, or one can use a wildcard to match on all paths. There is no default value for this setting and you must specify a file mask. The file specification should be enclosed in double-quotes (") in order to allow the proper parsing of file specifications containing spaces and other special characters.
Block SizeThis setting controls the size, in KB, of file blocks that will be used for buffering any file that matches the file specification mask. The default value is 4KB.
Buffer SizeThis setting controls the maximum amount of memory, in MB, that will be used for buffering any file that matches the file specification mask. The default value is 8MB.
Flush AgeThis setting controls how long, in seconds, a dirty file block buffer will stay in the buffer pool before ElevateDB automatically writes the dirty buffer to the file that matches the file specification mask. This setting helps to alleviate issues with dirty buffers not being written to the file on a regular basis because the buffer size is configured too large for the current file size. The default value is 120 seconds.
Flush to DiskThis setting controls whether any writes to any file that matches the file specification mask will be followed by a disk flush call to the operating system. The default value is False.

Information These settings are evaluated by ElevateDB from back-to-front, so you should specify the settings from general file specifications to very specific file specifications in the string list.