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Field # Name DataType Size ---------------------------------------------- 1 CustomerID ftString 10 2 CustomerName ftString 30 3 ContactName ftString 30 4 Phone ftString 10 5 Fax ftString 10 6 EMail ftString 30 7 LastSaleDate ftDate 0 8 Notes ftMemo 0 Index Name Fields In Index Options ---------------------------------------------- (none) CustomerID ixPrimary
begin with MyDBISAMDataSet do begin Append; { State property will now reflect dsInsert } FieldByName('CustomerID').AsString:='100'; FieldByName('CustomerName').AsString:='The Hardware Store'; FieldByName('ContactName').AsString:='Bob Smith'; FieldByName('Phone').AsString:='5551212'; FieldByName('Fax').AsString:='5551616'; FieldByName('Email').AsString:='bobs@thehardwarestore.com'; Post; { State property will now return to dsBrowse } end; end;
procedure TMyForm.MyTablePostError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction); begin Action:=daAbort; if (E is EDBISAMEngineError) then begin if (EDBISAMEngineError(E).ErrorCode=DBISAM_KEYVIOL) then ShowMessage('A record with the same key value(s) '+ 'already exists, please change the '+ 'record to make the value(s) unique '+ 'and re-post the record') else ShowMessage(E.Message); end else ShowMessage(E.Message); end;
begin try with MyDBISAMDataSet do begin Append; { State property will now reflect dsInsert } FieldByName('CustomerID').AsString:='100'; FieldByName('CustomerName').AsString:='The Hardware Store'; FieldByName('ContactName').AsString:='Bob Smith'; FieldByName('Phone').AsString:='5551212'; FieldByName('Fax').AsString:='5551616'; FieldByName('Email').AsString:='bobs@thehardwarestore.com'; Post; { State property will now return to dsBrowse } end; except on E: Exception do begin if (E is EDBISAMEngineError) then begin if (EDBISAMEngineError(E).ErrorCode=DBISAM_KEYVIOL) then ShowMessage('A record with the same key value(s) '+ 'already exists, please change the '+ 'record to make the value(s) unique '+ 'and re-post the record') else ShowMessage(E.Message); end else ShowMessage(E.Message); end; end; end;
begin with MyDBISAMDataSet do begin Edit; { State property will now reflect dsEdit } { Set LastSaleDate field to today's date } FieldByName('LastSaleDate').AsDateTime:=Date; Post; { State property will now return to dsBrowse } end; end;
procedure TMyForm.MyTableEditError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction); begin Action:=daAbort; if (E is EDBISAMEngineError) then begin if (EDBISAMEngineError(E).ErrorCode=DBISAM_RECLOCKFAILED) then begin if MessageDlg('The record you are trying to edit '+ 'is currently locked, do you want to '+ 'try to edit this record again?', mtWarning,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=mrYes then Action:=daRetry; end else if (EDBISAMEngineError(E).ErrorCode=DBISAM_KEYORRECDELETED) then begin MessageDlg('The record you are trying to edit '+ 'has been modified since it was last '+ 'retrieved, the record will now be '+ 'refreshed',mtWarning,[mbOk],0); DataSet.Refresh; Action:=daRetry; end else MessageDlg(E.Message,mtError,[mbOK],0); end else MessageDlg(E.Message,mtError,[mbOK],0); end;
begin while True do begin try with MyDBISAMDataSet do begin Edit; { State property will now reflect dsEdit } { Set LastSaleDate field to today's date } FieldByName('LastSaleDate').AsDateTime:=Date; Post; { State property will now return to dsBrowse } end; Break; { Break out of retry loop } except on E: Exception do begin if (E is EDBISAMEngineError) then begin if (EDBISAMEngineError(E).ErrorCode= DBISAM_RECLOCKFAILED) then begin if MessageDlg('The record you are trying '+ 'to edit is currently locked, '+ 'do you want to try to edit '+ 'this record again?,mtWarning, [mbYes,mbNo],0)=mrYes then Continue; end else if (EDBISAMEngineError(E).ErrorCode= DBISAM_KEYORRECDELETED) then begin MessageDlg('The record you are trying '+ 'to edit has been modified '+ 'since it was last retrieved, '+ 'the record will now be '+ 'refreshed',mtWarning,[mbOk],0); MyTable.Refresh; Continue; end else begin MessageDlg(E.Message,mtError,[mbOK],0); Break; end; end else begin MessageDlg(E.Message,mtError,[mbOK],0); Break; end; end; end; end; end;
begin with MyDBISAMDataSet do Delete; end;
begin with MyDBISAMDataSet do begin Edit; { State property will now reflect dsEdit } { Set LastSaleDate field to today's date } FieldByName('LastSaleDate').AsDateTime:=Date; Cancel; { State property will now return to dsBrowse } end; end;
begin with MyDBISAMDataSet do begin Edit; { State property will now reflect dsEdit } { Load a text file from disk } TBlobField(FieldByName('Notes')).LoadFromFile('c:\temp\test.txt'); Post; { State property will now return to dsBrowse } end; end;
var MyBlobStream: TDBISAMBlobStream; begin { First create the BLOB stream - be sure to make sure that we put the table into dsEdit or dsInsert mode first since we're writing to the BLOB stream } MyFirstDBISAMDataSet.Append; try MyBlobStream:=TDBISAMBlobStream.Create(TBlobField( MyFirstDBISAMDataSet.FieldByName('TableStream')),bmWrite); try { Now save the table to the BLOB stream } MySecondDBISAMDataSet.SaveToStream(MyBlobStream); finally { Be sure to free the BLOB stream *before* the Post } MyBlobStream.Free; end; MyFirstDBISAMDataSet.Post; except { Cancel on an exception } MyFirstDBISAMDataSet.Cancel; end; end;
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