Icon TDatabaseRight

Header File: dbisamtb

enum TDatabaseRight { drRead, drInsert, drUpdate, drDelete,
      drCreate, drAlter, drDrop, drRename, drMaintain, drBackup,
      drRestore }

This type is used to indicate the type of right currently granted to a given user for a given database on a database server. It is used as part of a set of rights represented in the TDatabaseRights type, which is used as a parameter to the TDBISAMSession AddRemoteDatabaseUser, ModifyRemoteDatabaseUser, and GetRemoteDatabaseUser methods, as well as the TDBISAMEngine AddServerDatabaseUser, ModifyServerDatabaseUser, and GetServerDatabaseUser methods.

drAlterIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to alter the structure of tables in the database on the database server.
drBackupIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to backup tables in the database on the database server.
drCreateIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to create tables and indexes in the database on the database server.
drDeleteIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to delete records from tables in the database on the database server.
drDropIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to delete tables and indexes in the database on the database server.
drInsertIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to insert records into tables in the database on the database server.
drMaintainIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to perform maintenance functions like repair or optimize on tables in the database on the database server.
drReadIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to read tables in the database on the database server.

Information This right also determines if a database is visible to a user when getting a list of databases from a database server using the TDBISAMSession GetRemoteDatabaseNames method.
drRenameIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to rename tables in the database on the database server.
drRestoreIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to restore tables in the database on the database server.
drUpdateIndicates that the user has or is being granted the right to update records in tables in the database on the database server.