Icon TSQLStatementType

Unit: dbisamtb

TSQLStatementType = (stUnknown,stSelect,stInsert,stUpdate,
      stDelete, stCreateTable,stCreateIndex,stAlterTable, stEmptyTable,
      stOptimizeTable,stExportTable, stImportTable,stVerifyTable,
      stRepairTable, stUpgradeTable,stDropIndex,stDropTable,
      stRenameTable,stStartTransaction, stRollbackTransaction,
      stCommitTransaction, stBackup,stRestore)

This type is used to indicate the type of SQL statement that the TDBISAMQuery component has currently prepared or is in the process of executing. Please see the Executing SQL Queries for more information.

stAlterTableIndicates the SQL statement is an ALTER TABLE statement.
stBackupIndicates the SQL statement is a BACKUP DATABASE statement.
stCommitTransactionIndicates the SQL statement is a COMMIT statement.
stCreateIndexIndicates the SQL statement is a CREATE INDEX statement.
stCreateTableIndicates the SQL statement is a CREATE TABLE statement.
stDeleteIndicates the SQL statement is a DELETE statement.
stDropIndexIndicates the SQL statement is a DROP INDEX statement.
stDropTableIndicates the SQL statement is a DROP TABLE statement.
stEmptyTableIndicates the SQL statement is an EMPTY TABLE statement.
stExportTableIndicates the SQL statement is an EXPORT TABLE statement.
stImportTableIndicates the SQL statement is an IMPORT TABLE statement.
stInsertIndicates the SQL statement is an INSERT statement.
stOptimizeTableIndicates the SQL statement is an OPTIMIZE TABLE statement.
stRenameTableIndicates the SQL statement is a RENAME TABLE statement.
stRepairTableIndicates the SQL statement is a REPAIR TABLE statement.
stRestoreIndicates the SQL statement is a RESTORE DATABASE statement.
stRollbackTransactionIndicates the SQL statement is a ROLLBACK statement.
stSelectIndicates the SQL statement is a SELECT statement.
stStartTransactionIndicates the SQL statement is a START TRANSACTION statement.
stUnknownIndicates the SQL statement type is unknown or not available.
stUpdateIndicates the SQL statement is an UPDATE statement.
stUpgradeTableIndicates the SQL statement is an UPGRADE TABLE statement.
stVerifyTableIndicates the SQL statement is a VERIFY TABLE statement.