Icon TEDBServerSession

Header File: edbcomps

struct TEDBServerSession{ public: int ID; System::UnicodeString
      Name; System::UnicodeString Description; System::TDateTime
      Created; System::TDateTime LastConnected; bool Connected; bool
      Encrypted; System::UnicodeString Address; System::UnicodeString
      UserName; System::UnicodeString ProcessName;}

This type is used as a parameter to the TEDBEngine OnServerSessionEvent event. The fields of the record are as follows:

IDIndicates the session ID.
NameIndicates the session name.
DescriptionIndicates the session description.
CreatedIndicates the date and time when the session was created.
LastConnectedIndicates the last date and time the session was connected.
ConnectedIndicates whether the session is currently connected or not.
EncryptedIndicates whether the session connection is encrypted.
AddressIndicates the IP address of the session connection.
UserNameIndicates the user name of the session.
ProcessNameIndicates the process name of the session.